Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Journal 1

As much as I would hate to live in a distopian world such as the one depicted in 1984, I quite admire the techniques the government uses to keep the population under control. In "Nineteen eighty-four," the people have absolutely no freedom, but to prevent rebellion, the government has to completely conceal the fact that life could be better than what the people knew. An idea I quite admired was the "two minutes of hate." In a world like this, the people are bound to be angry about something, so to keep that anger from being directed to the government, they proposed the two minutes of hate, so all the hate of the people could be directed away from the government and towards the enemies of the government. This deals with the people who want to rebel, and also gives the people a false sense of patriotism, that by hating, they are doing good for their country.

The idea of "newspeak" is an ingenious idea. The thing about newspeak is that it is close enough to English for people to learn easily, but it has no words for ideas which could cause rebellion, such as freedom. As long as the youth are being educated in newspeak, they will not know that these ideas ever existed, and when the English speaking generation dies out, the government would have a population who did not even know what rebellion was. It is true that ideas can exist with out words for them, but with nothing even similar to the concept of freedom, the population would be completely patriotic and manipulable by the government.


  1. I tend to agree with you, for the most part. Although I am not entirely sure which topic you selected, for the first paragraph you seemed to be discussing life in a dystopian society, whereas in the second you seemed to be discussing the role of newspeak in 1984. The two are quite linked if it was your intention to discuss how it is the Party controls the great unwashed masses, but that does not appear to be one of the options. You may some interesting ideas, but unless you elongate the length of your posts to the point at which you will be capable of discussing some intricacies of the text that are not entirely evident, I will have no interest in reading any more of your posts.

  2. Way to go you peasant you spelled dystopia wrong

  3. I have a 2.00 gpa and I still can spell dastipia correctly.....Stupid. I agree with Dylan
