Tuesday, March 8, 2011


       Our world is similar to the world depicted in 1984 in many ways, though not to such a great extent. In 1984, there is no freedom, so the people can be kept under control. For example, people do not even have the right to think freely. In the modern western world, there is the illusion of freedom, but due to the structure of this society, there are great limitations that go unseen. Without these limitations, the modern western society would fall apart. These limitations take the form of laws. One who lives in this society would have the illusion of freedom, having the right to do what is acceptable in our society. But one does not have the right to do hat seems wrong in our society, though it may seem norman in another. Therefore, the government is limiting us to what they themselves have shaped us into believing is right in this society. This, one could say, is nearly the same thing as the situation in 1984.

      In the modern western society the people are completely content with their lives. In the society in 1984, those who are used to life being the way it is, are content with their lives. Therefore, for one to see the lives in 1984 as horrible because of the lack of freedom and ignorance of the population, he himself would be ignorant, forgetting the fact that the people in 1984 are actually not unhappy. The society in 1984 seems horrible to most readers of the book, but only because of their ignorance.

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